Friday, April 1, 2011

Lil' Chucky Charley & His Country Bug Friends Come Together

The Making of Lil' Chucky Charley & His Country Bug Friends documentary brought together some of the most gifted musicians, artists, and talent to the New England area to work with SURRON on the children storybook-music CD project.

Ten songs were performed by Ron Surrey with special guest appearances by Watina Barnes, Val Fairley, Jean Michelle Grier, Joshua Jackson, and Chris Horton our pianist and organist extraordinaire.

1. Lil’ Chucky Charley 2. Mr. Boll Weevil 3. Junebug On A String 4. Sweet Potato Pie 5. Catch The Lightning Bug 6. God Loves Common Things 7. The Hen House 8. Doodlebug Baker 9. After The Ugly Bug Ball 10. Daddy Longlegs

Listen to sample streaming clips

And a special shout-out to our Ace Bon Coon (Asa "Ace" Livingston) for bringing the mean bass guitar and a repertoire of bug character voices.